Community Vision News

The Power of VR

According to Alzheimer’s Disease International every three seconds someone somewhere in the world develops dementia. In 2017, there were 50 million people with dementia and by 2030, there will be 75 million people with the condition. To counteract a growing need we are turning to all different types of technology as a potential care solution. Virtual reality (VR) technology offers new hope to aged, loss of mobility and dementia sufferers. It is being used to connect with those lost in the fog of declining memory and mobility and enables some the ease of symptoms. The healthcare sector already uses virtual reality to treat pain and anxiety, which makes VR a natural fit to address anxiety-induced aging symptoms.

With a belief in the power of VR, we are committed to exploring this technology and have witnessed firsthand how VR calms those taking part in the immersive experience. VR can rekindle long-forgotten memories and even guides uncommunicative customers to speak again. With boundless benefits we have teamed up with Rendever who provide virtual reality experiences for aged, loss of mobility and dementia sufferers to provide them with a platform to help reduce depression and loneliness by presenting calming scenes.

While VR cannot actually replace going somewhere in person, for those who can no longer drive or walk with ease, it may be the next best thing. The Rendever System enables our users to visit a virtual world as a group, creating a social event. While users share the same VR location, they each have an individual experience. Participants talk about what they are seeing and doing. Even when the VR event is over, the participants remain excited and want to discuss it later. This encourages patients access different parts of their brain, and engage with the people around them, helping them stay present.

The Rendever system enables reminiscence therapy, a great way to spark memories and discussion from users as they view familiar locations. For many users, especially those with dementia, memories sometimes become “locked” in their brains, making it hard to recall life events or relatives. Through our VR platform we can create custom tours or experiences specific to their need and images of a family home or a video tour of the surrounding can help bring these memories back to life. When their brains can no longer access the memories on their own, using VR to view pictures or watch tours can stimulate cognition and unlock memories, and improve communication and mood.

As a support provider we cater our services to your or loved ones need and VR technology can help support the coping mechanisms needed to deal with the troubles of ageing. It can offer a solution that leads to happier, more engaged individual and satisfied families and caregivers. For more information regarding our VR services, please give us a call on 1800 YOUR LIFE (968 754)

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