Did you know that there is a link between dementia and technology? With technological advances such as AI, Virtual Home Assistants and Smart Homes, it is no surprise that innovations are being used to reduce the effects of dementia. New figures released by Dementia Australia show that an estimated 459,000 people are living with the diagnosis across the country, with numbers on the rise, finding ways to combat dementia and the effects it can have on loved ones and carers is more crucial than ever.
We are calling for investment in initiatives and programs that help define the pathway to diagnosis, as well as developing mechanisms to embed quality Dementia care and reduce discrimination. In an action of their own, Dementia Australia has released The Dementia Guide, which is a resource that can be used by people who are impacted by any form of dementia. This guide is for anybody looking for a better understanding of the condition, from people suffering themselves, to friends, family and carers. It is stacked full of information from how to help support people with dementia, to treatment guidance and advice on support and services. Find out more The Dementia Guide.
With over 20 years in aged care, we’ve witnessed firsthand the increase of people living with dementia within our community. Using modern innovations, such as virtual Reality, alongside the work we are doing in the community, allows us to expand the services that we offer, bringing further benefits to our customers. Technology plays a big part in the services we offer, such as the Community Dementia bus, which is equipped with innovations designed to support people living with dementia, as well as their carers and families. The Community Bus offers technology such as a virtual aquarium which gives the user multiple environments to choose from and the ability to choose what fish they look at. Virtual aquariums help improve feelings as well as reducing blood pressure and heart rate and using innovations like this help the Community Bus provide the best possible care to our customers all over WA.
Virtual Reality can have several positive effects on someone living with dementia as it can help improve memory retention, relieve aggression, stress and anxiety. Utilising Virtual Reality alongside other services offered at our Woodvale Centre can help provide a safe environment, that promotes increased confidence and communication for all our customers.
If you think that you or a loved one can benefit from the services we offer, please give us a call on 1800 YOUR LIFE (968 754)